While we won't miss Euron at all, Yara and Theon have been through so much trying to keep themselves, their house, and each other alive, so let's hope they beat the odds. Using betting data from Bovada, Visme analysed the odds to determine who will be the most likely to die first in the final season - and it's safe to say the odds aren't good for the Greyjoys. The folks at Visme analysed real odds from the online betting site Bovada and the Myers–Briggs Type Indicator database to create some awesome infographics to visualise the possible answers to some of the biggest questions fans have going into season eight: who will die first, who would be the best ruler of Westeros (assuming someone actually does end up on the throne), and of course, who will end up on the Iron Throne? Who Will Perish First in Season 8? But while some of us base our predictions on clues, foreshadowing, and sometimes just pure hope, others dive into the actual odds. The premiere of the final season of Game of Thrones is getting closer every day, and fans all over the world are theorising, debating, and obsessing over how it will all shake out.